Die Säulen unseres Konzepts

Die Säulen unseres Konzepts sind so minimalistisch wie unsere Naturprodukte selbst:

  • The power of nature

    We love the potential of herbal active ingredients and want to bring it to full fruition in our products. The use of renewable raw materials , if possible in organic quality, is therefore essential.

  • sustainability

    Sustainability is a philosophy. Consideration and awareness of nature , the environment and future generations is an expensive commodity. We want to act sustainably in the use of raw materials and packaging. You can find our principles here:

    NakedNature's sustainability 
  • Less is more

    The power of nature reaches its goal without a long list of ingredients: feel-good cosmetics for every moment. Genuine natural cosmetics do not use any conventional ingredients or substances of animal origin. It is also important to us to use raw materials from organic farming .

* Stay natural - be NakedNature *

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Kennst Du schon die Waldschmiede Stiftung? Nein? Dann wird es Zeit!

"Gemeinsam für starke Wälder und ein grüneres und nachhaltigeres Deutschland!"

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